
Senin, 27 Agustus 2018

Tiberius Coin


I. The first ever crypto-financial hybrid

Human prosperity in its very essence is derived from technology’s ability to create value. Over

US$ 32 trillion of new economic growth will be unleashed by technologies such as advanced

robotics and AI (+US$ 11tn), IoT and cloud technology (+US$ 12tn), and autonomous electric

vehicles (+US$ 4.5tn). Look to the future and you see that growth and technology are intertwined

and yet unstoppable. Everyday devices are becoming “smarter”, technology is becoming more

integrated and wearable, and it’s all made of metal. Take the first step in profiting as metal

markets are unlocked to the retail investor through the power of the blockchain.

The Tiberius Coin is metal. It sits at the intersection of cryptocurrencies and traditionally

financial markets, pioneering the realm of commodities-backed tokens. The Tiberius Coin

provides direct ownership of metal which is held in custody on behalf of the token holder.

Thus, the token grants the right for physically deliverable metal, giving it an intrinsic value and

therefore a price floor. An identical and publicly disclosed basket of metal underlies each Tiberius

Coin - so each token is the fungible. The metal underlying each token provides exposure our three

strategic commodity themes: the technology metals growth story (copper, tin), the Electric

Vehicle/EV play (cobalt, nickel, aluminium), and stability metals (gold, platinum).

II. The Tiberius Coin basket of metalst
The Tiberius Coin (“T-Coin”) is the first crypto-financial product which grants you direct ownership
to a basket of strategic metals that are key to future technologies. Tokens act like ownership
receipts for an identical allocation and quantity of metals. The metal is held and audited by
independent warehouses, and available for delivery on request. Every digital token should
simply be thought of as a digital identification of the ownership of:
Technology metals: 25g copper, 5g tin
Electric Vehicle metals: 25g aluminium, 6g n

We only mint tokens after the metal has been independently audited, so you know that it
corresponds to existing material and thus the token price can never hit zero. The Tiberius Coin
has all the upside of technology markets, but none of the downside of bitcoin.
This composition has been specified to optimise the risk profile, volatility, and storage costs of
the underlying basket. We firmly believe this basket to be one which outperforms over the
medium term, as the implementation of new technologies such as robotics, drones, and
wearable technology becomes more prevalent. Investors in cryptocurrencies are by their very
nature forward looking, and we see the technology metals growth story as being a key driver.
In terms of the Electric Vehicle/EV play, we have already seen a great appreciation of key
battery metals (notably cobalt) and much of the future growth projections for other base metals
(notably nickel and aluminium) incorporate a view which sees much more demand stemming
from Technology and Electric Vehicle proliferation. Stability metals have been chosen to lower
the storage costs and decrease volatility. The usage of gold also provides enhanced liquidity and
protection against currency risk

III. Technology metals: the most profitable step in value chain
Everyone agrees that technology is unstoppable but investing in companies can be risky because
competition means that a stock can go to zero. Even in cases where there is a clear commodity
theme, like the inevitability of Electric Vehicles, how can you choose the right investment? Stocks
are a relatively risky way to get exposure to these trends.
By their very nature, emerging technologies need to be better or cheaper in order to win market
share. Profit margins shrink for investors in companies like Telsa due to the need to engineer cost
parity of electric vehicles relative to regular automobiles. In cases like this, it is the shareholder who
takes the hit, not the consumer.
Natural resources companies are also not the best way to benefit from the technology trend.
Mining companies are usually controlled by emerging market governments and are known to
seize a large part of the profit margins.
All the technology metals in our basket have been chosen to benefit from a strategic commodity
theme and all, with the exception of gold, have industrial uses and therefore will always command
some intrinsic value. Our metal basket can be delivered on request, which creates a price floor to
the token.
The Tiberius Coin will list under the ticker TCX. At the time of writing, each TCX token has an
intrinsic value close to US$ 0.70.


I. The problem with cryptocurrency markets

Cryptocurrencies may have no intrinsic value – so asset backed coins make sense – but the main
problem is that they’re just too volatile and highly correlated. It doesn’t matter how many
cryptocurrency you own, when prices fall it’s like you hold just one. The reason for the correlation
and volatility is that there is simply not enough crypto-to-fiat liquidity when prices drop. You can
trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a few other cryptocurrencies against only a handful of fiat currencies.
Trying to sell is like being in a panicked crowd and everyone is pushing to exit through the same
However, when you exchange the Tiberius Coin for dollars you are really going through the
metal markets as a hidden middle step. Metal markets are large enough and liquid enough to
soak up any volatility in cryptocurrency markets, providing a stable price floor but still capturing


The Tiberius Coin in essence boils down to less price risk than other cryptocurrencies. Although
the metal-backed cryptocurrency has multiple applications and users of varying background, the
Tiberius Coin begins and ends with being safer. Safety means both stability and security.
I. More “Stable”
Given there is less price risk during normal trading: the Tiberius Coin has a market price which
is (1) less volatile than other cryptocurrencies, and (2) can drop by only a limited amount – this is
because the market price of the token is supported by the intrinsic value of the underlying metal.
II. More “Secure”
As value in a global melt-down or otherwise: even in the case of a collapse of several
cryptocurrency exchanges or metal markets, the underlying metal is always 100% collateralised
and therefore a secure storage of wealth.

III. Who uses the Tiberius Coin


The T-Coin provides exposure to the cryptocurrency market but is designed to have a price
floor which means it can never, and will never, go to zero or be exposed to the same risks as
traditional cryptocurrencies

Correlation protection when cryptocurrency markets crash
There is a huge bottleneck between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies (e.g. USD, EUR). Only
a few cryptocurrencies can be exchanged for fiat, driving huge price drops when these few
crypto-to-fiat liquidity channels become distressed.

General cryptocurrency market hedge

The T-Coin is not only more stable in price, but it solves the biggest problem in the crypto
market, namely crypto-to-fiat liquidity. The T-Coin is not only easily exchangeable for
commodities, but the commodities themselves are uncorrelated to cryptocurrency markets.

Cryptocurrency market participation

We are in the midst of the legitimisation of cryptocurrencies as an asset class, which means a
huge inflow of institutional capital. The T-Coin risk profile perfectly lends itself as an investment
vehicle for funds, family o ces, and high net worth individuals. The T-Coin is an excellent sales
pitch for the new entrant money manager desiring crypto exposure; an investor who has less
trust in crypto than millennials but has a lot more capital.
Consumers: both retail and industrial
T-Coin enables all the clever applications of the blockchain, except now with more
manageable price risk.

Wealth management tool
If you combine the previous points you see that the T-Coin provides ideal exposure to a
de-correlated, inflation hedged, currency hedged basket of metals – perfectly combining
investment solutions with consumer finance

Consumers of metal
T-Coin offers value for metal traders and corporates alike. For example, treasury departments of
large automotive companies traditionally sit on a lot of cash yet continually consume metal.

IV. Inflation protection and warehouse fees
Metals are traditionally known as inflation hedges. The value of a metal can simplistically be
thought of as the cost of production. Naturally, wages and machinery become more expensive
over time, increasing the costs of production, per definition, along with inflation. If you hold a
$100 note it will still have the same number printed on it after a year regardless of inflationary
pressures. After one year, your $100 may only be worth $98 in real terms.
Metal prices increase over time, which covers the cost of the network of independent
warehousing companies and auditors that help maintain the integrity of the Tiberius Coin.
Warehousing costs are paid for through blockchain fees, but are less than the long term 2%
inflation rate in developed markets. This means that $100 worth of metal will be worth $102
after a year. Pay for the 1.5% warehouse fees, which is close to $1.50, and you’ve still got $100.50.
You may even be better off holding metal than cash. This is particularly true when it comes to
emerging markets with inflation rates in excess of 20% pa. Emerging market economies also
show high demand for cryptocurrencies for use in remittances and as consumer finance tools.

Digital assets

The blockchain decentralises the “risk-of-theft” of a token (digital asset), reducing the need for
a trusted third-party. The utility of the blockchain can be thought of as a decentralised auditing
solution for digital assets.
Physical assets
Use of the London Metals Exchange (LME) and other service providers decentralises the
“risk-of-theft” of the physical metal (physical asset), because the collateralised asset is audited
by independent parties and stored across multiple warehousing companies in >600 locations
globally (i.e. decentralised). Integrity and security is paramount at Tiberius, as Tiberius Asset
Management – part of the Tiberius group of companies – is regulated by FINMA (Switzerland).
Decentralised physical asset auditing is ensured as the task is outsourced to multiple,
independent, and competing warehousing companies such that game-theory and economic
principles dictate that collusion across the system would be irrational [collusion is needed to
“cheat the system” by undermining the verification of the existing collateral].

You don’t want to miss out on the next tech boom.
Investing in the metals that technologies like solar,
electric vehicles, robotics and AI need guarantees you a share of the profits

For More Information :

Website :
Facebook :
Twitter :
Telegram :
Whitepaper :

Bitcointalk username : Driean
Fropil link :;u=545651
Wallet Adress : 0x0872bf5Fb779e726D5438ed144B304322117b697

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